Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning…Oh, Yes, It Has RPG Features!

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning…Oh, Yes, It Has RPG Features!

Three videos spotlighting a bunch of the features of 38 Studios’ upcoming RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It would seem to have a lot of RPG features, more than just an open world. And hey, it’s Tibby presenting the game in the videos; you should watch them just for that.

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity of the Origin Muesum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of design documents for Ultima 7, covering areas such as conversation syntax, function design, and Origin’s in-house map editor.

Richard Garriott Has A Robot

Richard Garriott Has A Robot

Private astronaut and Ultima creator Richard Garriott evidently has a robot that trundles about his house.

New Download: Ultima Dock Icons

New Download: Ultima Dock Icons

SirBedwyr of the DeviantArt community has produced a set of circular dock icons inspired by the various titles in the Ultima series.