More Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Information

I am looking forward to this game — which, I can’t point out enough, has as its lead designer Ian “Tiberius Moongazer” Fraizer, who lead the Lazarus project team — more than ever after reading a couple of different articles over the weekend.

The first is a Gamasutra feature, The ‘Long And Crazy Tale’ Of Kingdoms Of Amalur’s Creation. It’s an interview with Tibby, actually, and it covers the history of the game from its inception at Big Huge Games (under the working title Crucible), through the days when THQ owned Big Huge Games, and up to today, where the game is being produced by 38 Studios (an independent company founded by former baseball star Curt Schilling).

This part of the article may appeal to Ultima fans:

Playing a key role in guiding the team through its challenges is RPG veteran Ken Rolston, lead designer on Bethesda Softworks’ The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. He has an office at Big Huge and plays Reckoning regularly, giving feedback to the team.

“He’s not like writing dialogue as a general rule, he’s more playing quests and looking for what doesn’t work, seeing how we can we make this more ‘open,’ what we can do to support the freeform play style,” Frazier explained. “As an example, recently we have a lot of quests in the game — we had over a hundred side quests between faction lines and stuff, and generally we expect that’s what people are going to do. But Ken played the game for, I think it was three or four days straight without a single save, and didn’t do any quests. He was deliberately avoiding quests.”

“He was just wandering around, killing things and crafting stuff, and that’s it,” said Frazier. “He was going out of his way to not do any quest content, just to see what that would feel like, and how quickly he would advance, and what the XP looked like for a character that doesn’t do quests and so on. Then he just gives me a dump truck of feedback on that experience and then we can tune things to make that a good experience.”

“Ken’s office is actually across the hall from mine, which is good because we have squirt guns that we’ll attack each other with from time to time.”

Open world? Freeform play style? You read that right, and Tibby confirms those details in this Q&A session at the Reckoning forums:

Reckoning’s structure is extremely open. The main quest and each of the six factions contains a mostly-linear narrative you can follow, but you can veer off and pursue hundreds of different sidequests at any time. Even if you choose to ignore all the quests completely, the world is ripe for exploration, with all manner of rewards to find (both hand crafted and systemic) for the explorer.

The game is being marketed almost like a God of War clone, which is kind of unfortunate; it may well incorporate lots of action elements and combat, but it obviously also goes a lot deeper than that, into the territory that we have come to expect from an RPG. But then, with Tibby leading the design of the project…is that really a surprise?

9 Responses

  1. phanboy4 says:

    I’m not getting a good vibe from this one, it seems far too combat-focused to be what I’m looking for in an RPG.

    They have lots of great people working on the game, but I’m afraid it’ll turn out like your average All-Star game. Great talent going through the motions.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Coverage of the game is very bipolar, I think. Its action elements seem to drive the public coverage and advertisements, but interviews and Q&As tend to focus on the RPG elements and, now, its open world setup.

      I’m becoming optimistic, if cautiously.

  2. Sergorn says:

    Yeah I really wish they would show more gameplay vids showing actual RPG elements, like story, quests, dialogues and such. I did saw one showing a bit of dialogues (enough to see it used a dialogue wheel, which is no surprised as I recall Tibby loved it in Mass Effect) but not much.

    I do feel the coverage as a far as a RPG goes as been pretty bad to be honest – it mostly showed combat to the point that I’ve seen people thinking this is gonna be more some kind of a God of War beat’em all-like game than a RPG.

    It’s good they confirmed the open world too, since gameplay vids have likewise focused on more linear aspects.

    Still I’m rather optimistic: Ken Rolston + Todd McFarlane + R.A Salvatore + Tiberius – that’s a good equation for me.

  3. MicroMagic says:

    Looks good to me, and I’m the first one to say I don’t care for the Elder Scrolls games. Check this out:

    Looks more like an rpg than God of War to me. In fact, I don’t know how you can compare the 2 games. I only played God of War 1. I got pretty far in it, but tbh, I barely remember it :). I don’t remember skills or levels, I do remember it being 100% linear and gaining new weapons in a linear fashion.

    If there’s like 100 different faction based quests, that’s reminiscent of Fallout 2 to me. A dozen or two different endings depending on who you sided with etc.

    I’m not surprised they advertise it like God of War, and talk about it like an rpg. Not based on any numbers, I’m assuming action based games appeal to a wider crowd than RPGs. And people who play RPGs tend to read more about games than an action gamer would.

    But if my memory serves correct… wasn’t Bioshock going to be an rpg up till close to launch? Man, that was always a knife in my heart when I played through Bioshock 1… the potential… the atmosphere… IMO Bioshock could have been a masterpiece RPG not a subpar shooter. “I have an idea! Instead of making the game hard, but beatable, lets give the player infinite lives until he eventually beats the big daddies on his own! The player will be able to literally use any weapon with any strategy, Hell, he could use the wrench to whack the big daddy once and then let himself die, and repeat until the big daddy dies! What an innovative and rewarding process that will be!”

    So who knows, hopefully this won’t be another Bioshock bait and switch type of game. Only time will tell…

  4. MicroMagic says:

    Oh, word is on the street Aiera may be hosting u6o? If so, the server is currently pooped out.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      I host the downloads for U6O, Micro, but I don’t host a server.

      If it’s still pooped out tomorrow, drop another comment and I’ll post an article about it, maybe draw some attention to the fact.

  5. MicroMagic says:

    Hey, hey! I’m good for something after all!