The Serpent Isle Remake: It's Pretty

Thepal has updated the website of his project to remake Serpent Isle in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, with a short remark:

Lately I’ve been playing Fallout New Vegas, and all my Serpent Isle modding has been dark caves and basements. Today I started creating my first outdoor location in a while, and when I went to test it in-game I was just blown away by the sheer prettiness of the Oblivion engine. It’s so bright and…pretty.

To prove the point, here’s the screenshot he took:

[singlepic id=1437 w=500 h=281 float=center]

He is not is pretty.

From the name of the image, it would appear that Thepal is working on Monk Isle now. I’m guessing this is the outdoor meeting place where the monks gather to worship.

5 Responses

  1. Marquillin says:

    Stupid monks. It may be a pretty wall, but it’s nothing compared to the view behind it. Makes me want to spin and sing all Julie Andrews style, something you just don’t get with an isometric view.

  2. Infinitron says:

    It’s bloomtastic!

  3. Sslaxx says:

    Loathe the Oblivion engine’s bloom, glad my PC’s graphics card isn’t up to it.

  4. Thepal says:

    Actually, there is no bloom in that screenshot. I use HDR, not bloom.

  5. Sslaxx says:

    Honestly, both look as bad to me.