New Download: Ultima Dock Icons

SirBedwyr, one of the many talented artists in the DeviantArt community, has produced a set of circular Ultima-themed icons, covering most of the titles in the Ultima series, “to remedy a hole in the popular circular dock icon pool” as he puts it.

And yes, they’re darn cool. Really. Check this stuff out:

[singlepic id=1298 w=500 h=271 float=center]

Ultima icons!

Naturally, I have added a project entry.

7 Responses

  1. Mick - Toltec Dragon says:

    Beautiful work. How can I use these cuties on my Mac? Do I have to convert them png’s to another format and is there a freeware? Thanks!

    • WtF Dragon says:

      A Mac should just be able to use a PNG icon. You can change an app or folder icon in the information display (select app/folder, then hit COMMAND+I) for it.

      Or at least that’s how it used to work, and I hope it still does.

  2. Bedwyr says:

    Thanks! I hope people will find them useful. If there’s a particular series of (old) games I can add, let me know. But not Battlefield or CoD. There’s a mess of those already.

  3. Deckard says:

    How about Ultima Online?

  4. smack says:

    Wow that’s really great stuff. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

    Ultima Online would be great too, but let’s not forget about the one that started it all: Akalabeth!

  5. Mick - Toltec Dragon says:

    The Command-I-Thing is how it works normally. But I just get the “PNG-Placeholder”-Icon instead of the PNG itself. I’ll try to find a freeware to convert them and give a statement here when I succeed.