Richard Garriott Has A Robot

From one Paul Evans, via Twitter:

[singlepic id=1299 w=480 h=715 float=center]

Returning to its docking station.

I don’t know what purpose this robot serves, if any, nor am I sure of its manufacture (and I can’t make out the brand name on the logo on its base). Still…it’s an interesting little unit, and I suppose none of us should be surprised that Lord British has such a thing milling about his home. He does have a flair for such oddities.

Update: Clan Dragon points out in the comments that the robot is a QB model from Anybots, the purpose of which is to serve as a kind of personal avatar/videoconferencing tool.

2 Responses

  1. Clan Dragon says:

    He is a little QB unit from “Anybots” (which is also what the writing says). They are designed for video conferencing and to take your physical place in an office if you were busy at home doing something like .. ohh I dont know .. creating a new ultima perhaps. At $15k a pop Richard prob has this one just guarding that doorway.