News at The Digital Lycaeum: Categorization
I’ve just put a new post up at The Digital Lycaeum, asking for help figuring out an effective categorization scheme for the site.
I’ve just put a new post up at The Digital Lycaeum, asking for help figuring out an effective categorization scheme for the site.
Firstknight, unfortunately, has had to slow down work on Beautiful Britannia courtesy of various real-life issues. The next release from the project will be delayed a few months as a result.
Summer seems to be the time when Origin Systems fans build websites! The Wing Commander CIC, the hub of the Wing Commander fan community online, was launched 13 years ago today!
The Digital Lycaeum is the newest feature offered by Ultima Aiera: a repository of Ultima-themed game assets that any interested fan project developers can access and make use of!
Eric Fry has just posted the second official release — at version 0.2 — of Nuvie, his Exult-like front-end for Ultima 6 (and, one day, Savage Empire and Martian Dreams as well).
Seven years ago today, Ultima Aiera was launched as an alternative to Ultima: The Reconstruction (another project archive), and the home of The Ultima Orphanage. My, how things have changed!
Electronic Arts has promoted BioWare from an EA Games studio to a label within the company on par with EA Games itself; BioWare is now EA’s dedicated RPG label.
The Forgotten World team continue their incredible progress of late with the announcement of an activity editor for Ultima 9, and two new songs for its soundtrack.
UOJournal looks at some of the upcoming changes to Ultima Online user account management and reports on the significant details thereof.
I have been playing a lot of games recently, and have been taking screenshots as I go in almost every case. As Rock, Paper, Shotgun put it, I am a game photographer, and I’ll periodically be posting galleries of my playthroughs to my Google+ account.
Another old-school Ultima-inspred MMORPG from former Origin Systems software engineer Jason Ely.