Richard Garriott's Next Game: Ultimate Collector: Garage Sale
Richard Garriott’s new company, Portalarium, has announced its next game: Ultimate Collector. It’s a game about garage sales, basically.
Richard Garriott’s new company, Portalarium, has announced its next game: Ultimate Collector. It’s a game about garage sales, basically.
Firstknight has sent along a handful of screenshots showing off some of the new rock and cave textures that the Beautiful Britannia team have implemented in Ultima 9.
I’ll be travelling today, so you all get a big list of links and the opportunity to talk about pretty much anything. Because that, Dragons and Dragonettes, is how we roll on this site....
The release date…well, the release month, at least…for the Skyrim Creation Kit has been announced!
Raph Koster links to, and comments on the inaccuracies in, a four-part video series that attempts to examine the history of MMOs, beginning with MUDs.
Jason Ely, former Origin Systems developer and author of the online tile-based RPG Elderlands, is looking for an artist to create a logo for said game.
Browncoat Jayson has resumed posting articles in his Ultima Developer Series at the Digital Lycaeum.
Richard Garriott argues that consoles — and console gaming, by extension — may well be doomed in light of the rise of mobile gaming and the power of mobile platforms.
A massive write-up about the history of the Ultima series, and each of the games comprising it, has wrapped up at Hardcore Gaming 101 with an exclusive interview with Richard Garriott!
Thepal is taking a short hiatus from his project, the Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle.