Dr. Dungeon Has Released ‘The Great Ultizurkian Underland’

As VisElEchNon pointed out, Dr. Dungeon has just released the third Ultizurk game, The Great Ultizurkian Underland, on his website:

By the time I got to Underland, I knew I had to improve on the layout, so the first step was to make a bigger view port. In this screen mode at the time, it ran a little slower, but looked better. I also improved the graphics as best I could, and more than anything I created the “people mover” – where at long last I could have people walking all over the place. And I finally addressed the awful arm/wear panel from UZ1 & 2. He now has separate slots for shields and swords, etc.

Finally, Underland was a much more carefully crafted world, with a deeper, more moving story with a rather surprising ending. I would continue with this theme in later games in the hopes that any lack of graphical and functional elegance could be made up for by making a story where the player could be more emotionally involved. Its in this game you meet Losi the Siren, who would play a major role in Ultizurk III.

The only thing still lacking was an in-depth role-playing system, but at least in Underland the monsters were smarter. There are times when a wounded monster will walk off-screen then march back with his buddies!!

You can grab the full version of the game from Dr. Dungeon’s “Museum Showroom”, or from the Ultizurk project entry here at the Codex.

3 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Dr. Dungeon is either a serious hacker or has the source code for this one. Either way, nice. Also, the 1080p screenshots are freakish, as the character models are 1:1 but everything else is scaled. Not complaining, it’s actually rather impressive.

  2. VisElEchNon says:

    Dr. Dungeon is the creator of the games actually. I’m not sure if he still has the source for all of them or not though…