Can You Out-Codex Codex?

On the official Dragon Age Twitter account, BioWare made it known that the fan who posts a Dragon Age 2 character that most closely resembles Felicia “Codex Dragon” Day will win a $100 virtual gift card for the BioWare Store.

Feel up to the challenge? Codex intends to enter the contest herself, so keep in mind that you’ll be competing against the lady herself.

10 Responses

  1. Someone should see who can make the character closest to Richard Garriott.

  2. Thepal says:

    I decided to give in and get the game, 12 hours before the Australian pre-order finished on Steam. So I’ll be playing that tonight, with the couple of extra items.

    I guess I’ll have a go at this. I wonder if character mods are allowed in the competition… 😛

    And I’ll have a go at making Lord British too 😛

    Hmm…. between making myself, Felicia and LB, I wonder if I’ll have time to play…

    Btw… I looked up ye olde Ultima Dragon list to see if Codex was actually listed, which of course she is. And I’m (and I’m guessing most of you are too) on the same list… Does that make us equals? 😛

    Actually… a better question… did anyone actually “know her before she was famous”?

  3. I should be on there somewheres, though I constantly get comments that Im playing the wrong game. “Wizardry” Dragon and all. Evidently people don’t know that it also refers to the trappings of the wizard!

  4. Gulluoglu says:

    Where can I access that list? I remember signing up ages ago, now I want to see if I’m on there.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      As I recall, the lists are behind password protection at

      And if I could remember my password there, I’d log in and confirm that detail.

  5. Sanctimonia says:

    How many people here were actually kicking Ultima around in the days of Prodigy? Ultima Dragons… We have some old-timers around it seems.

    Those were my golden years, when I first got a taste of computers and the “Internet”. I was 13/14 or so if I remember, and everything was magic. The Amstrad PC 1512, Deluxe Paint II, The Bard’s Tale, Might & Magic, Defender of the Crown, Adventure Construction Set and my first taste of programming using some dialect of BASIC under GEM.

    I remember trolling the Usenet like a junkie via Qmodem and eventually running my own BBS called Neo Tokyo in later years. I coded a fake Doom II demo in Quick BASIC 4.5 which pretended to have an error while installing but located and appended the RemoteAccess password file to a known download so I’d have access to the BBS’s account database. Damn, those were the days.

    As with all things fond but inconsequential, they’ll be lost like tears in rain, haha.

  6. Thepal says:

    I was never on Prodigy, though I’ve been playing Ultima since those days.

    That’s weird. I was unable to get to the list yesterday due to not knowing my login, then I clicked on the grand roster link and it opened. Now it wants me to log in again. Damn. Should have saved the list while I had it…

  7. Gulluoglu says:

    I am pretty sure I was Immortal Dragon, if I’m on the grand roster. I tried logging in though with what I thought would have been my likely password back then, but no dice. I remember popping onto Weyrmount a few times too (prompting me to build my own MUD back then).

  8. Ah WeyrMount. It’s still kicking isn’t it?