Nightly Open Thread

Well, that didn’t take long!

NASA is putting the buzzkill on that alien life announcement from earlier in the week. Bummer.

And damn, but Unreal Engine 3 just keeps looking more and more awesome.

Put that in your RAGE and smoke it.

Tonight’s post brought to you by LOTR, the abridged version:

4koma comic strip - LOTR in a Nutshell

There was some stuff about Rohan too.

11 Responses

  1. Gulluoglu says:

    I figured I would post this here since this is the new nightly thread; I was able to grab a copy of the “current roster” from, which easily goes back ~15 years since I found my name on it. I guess I was wrong about my Dragon name, too — looks like Immortal Dragon was being used by someone else when I must have registered. So using my newly learned actual Dragon name, I was able to LOG IN to and grab a grand roster list complete with registration dates of the various dragons! It looks like I became a dragon in 1997 and the earliest dragon was 1992.

    So, question: Do you want a copy of either list? I’m not sure if it’s a good thing to just post the “grand roster” since it also contains every single real email address used when registering at the UDIC (the one for me is still valid, for example, I just use it as a trash address now). The “current roster”, on the other hand, does not contain this information and simply lists Dragon name, real name, and a generic email address.

  2. Gulluoglu says:

    I forgot to mention how I managed to pull up a current roster without my dragon name or password; if you go to, and then click the link to join, you should see another link just below the box to enter your hopeful dragon name. It’s a handy dandy link labelled master roster which generates the current roster without logging in to make sure your hopeful dragon name isn’t already taken. 🙂


    CGI script. Man, old school. But yeah, its all there. The current one.

  4. Handshakes says:

    That Unreal 3 tech demo does look smexy, but I wouldn’t count ID Tech 5 out just yet. One has to remember that RAGE is set to run at 60 fps. Doom 4, on the other hand, is going to be running at 30 fps, and it is going to be looking liquid magma hot.

    And it will probably melt my poor two year old video card while doing it.

  5. Gulluoglu says:

    Yeah, that’s what I thought too, Peter. It made me realize I was still probably logging into old school dial-up BBS’s back when I registered on UDIC on a fancy, new 56k modem and the internet seemed to exist only in the realm of AOL. I vaguely remember going onto Prodigy a few times in grade school (probably around 1989), but my school likely only had a few computers with the capability and it was more of a curiosity than something being looked at as ridiculously useful.

  6. Andy_Panthro says:

    Yeah, I have no idea what password I chose for UDIC. The last time I went back there was when I googled my name (bored at work!) and found someone had taken the entire list, reposted it somewhere else and suggested we were all satanists.

    On the subject of alien life, I meant to post at the time, but surely if someone had definately found something, it would be published in a major journal like Nature.

  7. Im mildly interested in seeing whats said there. Anyone have any links to our supposed satanic cult page? Perhaps its more of a Star Chamber? Or does it involve a cube, a terahedon, and a sphere?

  8. Thepal says:

    Quoth the Dodge: “a cube, a terahedon, and a sphere”

    It seems still noone has managed to control that power…

    One day…

  9. Andy_Panthro says:

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I think that website was taken down. No idea why or by who though. Can’t find it now.

    Perhaps someone got dumped by a dragon?

  10. Handshakes says:

    Anybody play Dragon Age 2 yet? I’m considering giving it a buy (20% off on Direct 2 Drive right now), but I’m hearing some negative buzz. What’s the word?

  11. Handshakes says:

    In a moment of weakness I went ahead and bought DA2.

    What? Don’t look at me like that, I do not have a problem. I can quit anytime I want, and I will… Right after this one last, sweet Bioware RPG.