New Gallery: Ultima 9 Character Sketches

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Dragon, by Denis Loubet

Speaking of both Sergorn Dragon’s playthrough of Ultima 9 and the Titans of Ether’s remake of same…

…courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 10 scanned pages of character and creature concept art from the original plot of Ultima 9.

A lot of the characters appearing here will be familiar to long-time Ultima fans, but there is at least one new face to tantalize the imagination and foster speculation.

These drawings are principally the work of Denis Loubet, who should be known to most Ultima fans for the copious amount of artwork he produced for many different titles in the series. Scott Jones, who also designed the Ultima 9 game box, did two of them.

What is more, some of them may have been used, later on, as concept art for Lord Blackthorn’s Revenge, an Ultima Online expansion.

1 Response

  1. Sergorn says:

    Pretty awesome concept art. I can’t help notice that the Gargoyle Drone looks a LOT like the final model of the game 😀

    I really like that Hawkwind concept too! I gotta say the fact that you never SEE him in Ultima IX kind of a bummer. I actually have the E3 99 press junket content somewhere, and it seemed he was meant to have appear and have a bigger role even in the final plot of the game. Oh well.

    I think I’ll always wonder whether or not he was supposed to be the Time Lord as well in Bob White’s plot (I’ll assume yes, considering it doesn’t have any mention of the Time Lord).

    Oh and also, about what Dupre’s role was supposed to be 😛