Ultima V Lazarus: Spanish Translation In The Works, Help Wanted
Shyrion Dragon has begun a project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus. If you’d be interested in helping him out in this monumental task, make yourself known!
Shyrion Dragon has begun a project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus. If you’d be interested in helping him out in this monumental task, make yourself known!
Big Huge Games/38 Studios’ upcoming RPG title — Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning — won a lot of accolades at E3 this year, and looks really promising. And did I mention that its lead designer is none other than Tiberius Moongazer, former head of Team Lazarus?
Cheerful Dragon left a comment to inform us all that he has moved the downloads for his collection of bugfixes for Ultima V: Lazarus to a new location.
Dungeon Siege, the game used to make two astounding Ultima remakes, is available via Steam, although not directly.
Neverwinter Nights 2 doesn’t allow for the creation of a fully continuous world, a hallmark of the later Ultima games. But it does allow for the creation of a very fine-looking dual-scale world, a hallmark of the earlier Ultima games.
Some of you may remember Brad Venable (follow him on Twitter!) from his various contributions to the Ultima remake community — he was, after all, the voices of Iolo, Geoffrey, Gorn, and Sentri in...
Courtesy of Dominus (whom most of you should know from Exult and Pentagram), Ultima Aiera is pleased to present five scanned pages from a recent edition of PC Games, a German magazine devoted to...
Sergorn Dragon’s increasingly ambitious Ultima project (which I’m also working on) has posted its latest monthly update, and announces the development or updating of several game system scripts that members of the team have...
Okay, granted, the update to the project website is just a quick note from Zephyr stating that the Project Britannia team have taken over some of the website administration duties, and have resurrected the...
I’ve finally gotten around to restoring the downloads for the engine — I’m calling it that — that served as the basis for two other well-known Ultima remakes: Project Britannia. I’ve also updated the...
First, let me just remark that all the Online Remakes are once again available for download, and in fact have been so available since last Friday. The reason for the delay was the fact...