Lazarus website and forum updates

Okay, granted, the update to the project website is just a quick note from Zephyr stating that the Project Britannia team have taken over some of the website administration duties, and have resurrected the Lazarus Forums at the Project Britannia website, but hey…project news is project news.

(hat tip)

2 Responses

  1. Saxon1974 says:

    Loved Lazarus, havent played through Ultima 6 Project yet because I want to get through the original Ultima 6 first!

    I played it for a while though and the journal enhancements were great!

    • wtf_dragon says:

      Thou hast not played the original Ultima 6 yet?

      Get thee out!

      I kid, I kid…but you are really missing out. I hold U6 to be the best of the Ultimas, surpassing even the venerable and much-loved U7 in all ways save graphics (naturally) and world interactivity (somewhat).