Back to Roots: Looking For Collaboration
Fearyourself, having reached a point where he feels his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots, is stable and mature enough, is looking for more people to join the project.
Fearyourself, having reached a point where he feels his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots, is stable and mature enough, is looking for more people to join the project.
Fearyourself has added boat travel (and most other forms of “vehicular” travel) to his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots.
Well-known old-school gaming blogger The CRPG Addict has started playing through the Origin Systems classic, Ultima 5.
Three videos spotlighting a bunch of the features of 38 Studios’ upcoming RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It would seem to have a lot of RPG features, more than just an open world. And hey, it’s Tibby presenting the game in the videos; you should watch them just for that.
Fearyourself has continued to work and report on his Ultima-inspired game engine project, Back to Roots, and has even found a way to incorporate the graphics from the recently-released high-resolution tileset for xu4.
Fearyourself’s Ultima-inspired game engine project proceeds apace, with the addition of a healer in Brittany.
Shyrion Dragon has launched the website for his project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus.
Shyrion Dragon has begun a project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus. If you’d be interested in helping him out in this monumental task, make yourself known!
Fearyourself has been busy experimenting with the use of LUA scripting to handle certain in-game events.