Spam Spam Spam Humbug 159 – UO Development Woes
Thoughts on some of the questionable design decisions made over “Ultima Online’s” lengthy history.
Thoughts on some of the questionable design decisions made over “Ultima Online’s” lengthy history.
Or we could just watch and laugh at how many bots reply to the episode title on Twitter.
There’s evidently one starting in — as of the time of this posting — about three hours. Fenyx4, one of the folks who helps maintain the wiki, will be one of the players. You...
Subscribe on Anchor | Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe on Google Play | Subscribe on Spotify | Subscribe on TuneIn | Subscribe on Stitcher | Subscribe on Android Podcast Topic(s) This episode — which...
We get lost somewhere between nostalgia and novelty, and spend a lot of time talking about Star Wars, anime, and World of Warcraft.
Dr. Cat returns to the podcast, and discusses pretty much everything.
It has been too long since we last checked in on The Dark Unknown, Goldenflame Dragon’s long-in-development homage to the Ultima series. So, rather than recap every single incremental update that he has posted to the project’s Facebook...
World of Warcraft, Star Wars, butter tarts, and some weird role-playing scenarios. Another typically atypical episode, in other words.
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