So…That Nox Archaist Kickstarter Campaign Was a Roaring Success

The Kickstarter campaign for 6502 Workshop’s upcoming 8-bit Apple ][ CRPG, Nox Archaist, wrapped up recently, and I don’t think it would be unfair to say that their crowdfunding effort was a roaring, enormous success:


With your help, we made it! Over $42,000 and 566 backers for an Apple II CRPG with a boxed set! Together, we were able to surpass all of our stretch goals, including the gold-foil disk labels, Denis Loubet artwork, and the quick combat option

The original funding goal for the campaign was $8,500, which means that 6502 Workshop were able to net just shy of 500% of their funding goal this time around. Or, to look at it another way, they were able to raise more than twice what they had raised at the time they cancelled their previous crowdfunding attempt.

So…congratulations to the good folks at 6502 Workshop! Here’s to continued good work on Nox Archaist, which I look forward to playing in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future.

3 Responses

  1. Mark Lemmert says:

    Thanks for the congrats! The fun has just begun 🙂

  2. Cambragol says:

    I hope we see more successfully funded old-school games like this. With feelies. Looking forward to seeing what 6502 Workshop pumps out. By all indications, it is going to be great.