Can Anyone Help Save the iOS Port of Akalabeth?

Years ago, a port of Akalabeth for Apple’s iOS mobile operating system was released. Developed by a small company called Quantum Toast, it was billed as an “exact” re-creation of the game for iOS devices, and even went so far as to re-create the interface (or, at least, the parts of it necessary to play the game) as part of the game window.

That said, the app did boast a few “helper” features, some of which were apparently designed with input from Richard Garriott himself. These included an autosave option, an option to start near the castle, an in-game minimap, and the ability to carry additional food.

Unfortunately, it would appear that Richard Garriott’s iPhone is now blocking him from playing the game:


Fortunately, a couple of developers responded with some enthusiasm that they’d be willing to pitch in and take a stab at modernizing Akalabeth for today’s mobile operating systems. But even so, I’m rebroadcasting the call for assistance here; if any of you who frequent the site want to work on — or collaborate on — bringing Akalabeth (back) to mobile devices, then by all means do!

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