Monthly Archive: August 2011

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity of the Origin Muesum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of design documents for Ultima 7, covering areas such as conversation syntax, function design, and Origin’s in-house map editor.

Richard Garriott Has A Robot

Richard Garriott Has A Robot

Private astronaut and Ultima creator Richard Garriott evidently has a robot that trundles about his house.

New Download: Ultima Dock Icons

New Download: Ultima Dock Icons

SirBedwyr of the DeviantArt community has produced a set of circular dock icons inspired by the various titles in the Ultima series.

Pentagram and xu4 Snapshots Updated

Pentagram and xu4 Snapshots Updated

I have updated Ultima Aiera’s copies of the snapshot downloads for Pentagram and xu4, both because they were out of date anyway and because of the recent SDL fixes for the OS X versions.

Exult Ported To Haiku

Exult Ported To Haiku

The latest version of Exult (1.49) has been proted to Haiku, an open-source operating system inspired by BeOS.

Beautiful Britannia: Development Slowdown

Beautiful Britannia: Development Slowdown

Firstknight, unfortunately, has had to slow down work on Beautiful Britannia courtesy of various real-life issues. The next release from the project will be delayed a few months as a result.

The Wing Commander CIC Turns Thirteen!

The Wing Commander CIC Turns Thirteen!

Summer seems to be the time when Origin Systems fans build websites! The Wing Commander CIC, the hub of the Wing Commander fan community online, was launched 13 years ago today!

Announcing: The Digital Lycaeum!

Announcing: The Digital Lycaeum!

The Digital Lycaeum is the newest feature offered by Ultima Aiera: a repository of Ultima-themed game assets that any interested fan project developers can access and make use of!