The Feudal Lands: Alpha Release

Wizardry Dragon pointed out that Aiera was not yet hosting the downloads for the alpha release of his epic-in-scope project, The Feudal Lands.

Well, I couldn’t have that; I have added the appropriate downloads to the project entry.

Interested Dragons will find four new files available for download there: the Windows installer, which provides a standard wizard-based installation method for the mod (as long as you have Exult installed, it should work just fine), and a compressed archive of the entire TFL file repository available as either an SFX, RAR, or GZIPped TAR file. Grab the one appropriate to your OS and unzip into the ‘mods’ folder in the install directory for The Black Gate.

1 Response

  1. Jaesun says:

    Glad to see this is so far at an Alpha state. I have been SO looking forward to this!