La Legende d'Ultima Is Back Online!

Sergorn Dragon, when he wasn’t blogging his way through the Ultima series or dreaming up Return to the Serpent Isle, ran what was easily the best French-language Ultima news and information site: La Légende d’Ultima.

Sadly, in recent months, La Légende has had a number of issues with the provider it was formerly hosted by, and was ultimately pulled offline…actually, I can’t quite remember when it was pulled offline (but I’m sure Sergorn will tell us in a comment!). A couple of months ago, Sergorn and I pointed the domain at my server, and I set him up a WordPress install to use as the new foundation of his site. For the last little while, there has just been a placeholder template up on the site.

And as of today, however, Sergorn has La Légende back online, with a snazzy-looking scroll template and an introductory news article about BioWare Mythic’s still-somewhat-secret project.

[singlepic id=897 w=550 h=276 float=center]

See? Snazzy!

He hasn’t yet restored all of the site’s content, but do keep checking back at the site over the coming weeks and months.

1 Response

  1. Dungy says:

    Good job Sergorn! Welcome back!