A Beautiful Britannia 2011 R2 teaser image

Firstknight is continuing to make progress upgrading the textures for Ultima 9, and is on course for a roughly summertime release. And to tease you all, he offers this side-by-side comparison of screenshots, showing the new grass texture he’s been experimenting with stacked against the original, low-res grass texture the game shipped with:

[singlepic id=841 w=550 h=213 float=center]

Grassy! Oh, and...uh...click for a bigger image.

I’ve already mentioned to him that the grass needs a bit of that dirt-like shadow around its edges to make the transition to the sandy texture seem a little less…stark. But other than that minor quibble…holy cripes, eh?

Is it safe to say, yet, that Ultima 9 will barely look like itself after the Beautiful Britannia and Forgotten World projects finish with it?

4 Responses

  1. Saxon1974 says:

    Looks pretty good, very much looking forward to this…

  2. Ergosphere says:

    Am I imagining things, or is the tree texture altered as well?

  3. Ergosphere says:

    I guess not, is the grass texture only going to be where you put it, or once you put it in the game, is it everywhere there’s grass?

  4. Firstknight says:

    The tree texture is already highres in Beautiful Britannia 2011 R1, I recommend that you download it from the project site and try it out, if you haven’t yet.

    And yes, the changed grass terrain texture can be seen everywhere in the game where those grass textures are used, so not only all over Britannia, but also on the earth map or on “unused” outdoor maps, as map.5 is one.