Check Out This Gorgeous “Serpent Isle” Map

Reddit user rwgosse has created a beautiful rendition of the cloth map from Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle, and has been showing it off over on the r/Ultima subreddit.

rwgosse has also created several other maps; I’ll post these as well as time permits. For now, enjoy Serpent Isle!

2 Responses

  1. Infinitron says:

    I wonder whence came the idea to rename the Montor from Ultima 1/3 to “Monitor”. It’s an unusual name for a town. They didn’t rename Fawn.

  2. WtF Dragon says:

    There’s not a lot of explanation given in the game’s documentation; the wiki includes most of the relevant quotes.

    It’s certainly possible that the U7SI team just flubbed the name. Or perhaps they decided that “Monitor” sounded close enough to the original name (names, really, since there were two cities named Montor) but also was kind of relevant to the role of its people as the guard (monitors) of the lands.