Another Forgotten World screenshot

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So…as was recently noted in another news posting, Firstknight has returned to the Forgotten World team, though at present I will be tracking his project — Beautiful Britannia — separately from Forgotten World here at Aiera.

The Forgotten World team have kept up, for a second week, their tradition of posting weekly screenshots; the latest one is of Yew…with the addition of a lot of underbrush and foliage. It looks…phenomenal, actually. Just great. (More screenshots can be found here, in a Beautiful Britannia-specific gallery.)

In the accompanying news post, Iceblade details the project’s need for a C++ programmer, and for a Delphi or FreePascal coder as well.

In addition to this, Firstknight dropped me a short email message to say that for his side of things, he has managed to finish enhancing 3 flowers so far (which are featured in some of the screenshots linked above).
However, he also remarked that it takes him up to 10 hours to enhance (or re-create) even one texture; help from an experienced 3D asset texture artist would be greatly appreciated by him and the rest of the project team.

If any of that describes your interest or talent you, good Dragon or Dragonette reading this, drop them a line.

2 Responses

  1. Iceblade says:

    And we are set to keep up the weekly updates for a weeks yet.