Return to the Serpent Isle: Portraits!

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As noted back in their August update, Team Return have welcomed into their fold Jolyn “Nytefall” Kitzer, who was the lead 2D artist for Ultima V: Lazarus.

In the intervening months, she has produced some absolutely stunning character portraits for the project, which the team are happy to share.

[singlepic id=574 w=320 h=784 float=center]

Hector, an NPC in Return to the Serpent Isle

Per their October update, the team are still in need of writers, worldbuilders, and (especially) 3D artists. So if any of you Dragons and Dragonettes are interested in lending a hand doing work in any of those fields, please do drop either myself or Team Return a note.

5 Responses

  1. Sergorn says:

    I can’t even begin to express how awesome it feels to have such a talented artist working on Return.

    I am probably based, but I think her work is even more impressive than what she did on Lazarus which says a lot considering how awesome her Laz work was!

  2. Iceblade says:


    Sergorn and the Return team, I wish you guys the best of luck. You guys are really doing something phenomenal creating a new and original storyline to add to the Ultima experience; especially one that doesn’t involve the Avatar.

  3. Shadow of Light says:

    That art looks familiar… 😉

  4. wtf_dragon says:

    Heh…awesome is awesome. What else can we say?

  5. Sergorn says:

    Well, when you can get the best: get best. That’s my motto !

    *kidnaps SoL and put her to work on Return*