Ray-traced Ultima goodness

While doing some reading for his Masters programme, Dino stumbled upon a lecture on ray-tracing (a 3D rendering technique) that featured some Ultima-themed artwork as an example:

[singlepic id=305 w=500 h=375 float=center]

Check out that cloth texture!

Notable elements in the diagram include the Bell, Book, and Candle, which feature in Ultima 4, and also the Ultima 4 Ultima 5-era [Thanks, Donn! – Ed.] map of Britannia. The tarot cards are the same as were found in Ultima 9, both in the game box and in the game proper.

2 Responses

  1. Donn says:

    Being an Ultima V aficionado, I have to point out that is actually the Ultima V map. Granted, it didn’t change that much from IV, but those are the V colors and everything, pretty clearly. You can make out Blackthorn’s Castle there on Terfin.

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    I stand corrected!

    Thanks for that. I’ll update the article accordingly.