Harry Potter 7

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EC2tmFVNNE&hl=en_US&fs=1&]

Part 1 comes out this November

I don’t know about you, good reader, but I’m excited for this one. Though I have to admit that waiting until July 2011 for the second/final part of it will be something akin to brutal.

Four hour movies with an intermission: were they really so bad?

4 Responses

  1. Roy says:

    That way they can charge us two times 😉

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    Well, there is that.

    I still miss the four-hour epics.

  3. Ergonpandilus Dragon says:

    Harry Potter is not for me. 🙂

    But have you seen “Legend of the Seeker” -tvseries? That’s pretty neat fantasy themed show Just watch some trailer on Youtube.