A little Mass Effect: Captain Kirrahe's Speech

I passed Mass Effect recently, and then passed it again with the same character shortly afterward. I didn’t record this video (there’s no way I’d play a male Shephard anymore, and no way I’d dress him in the Phoenix pink’n’white armour if I did), but the speech by the leader of the salarian STG unit on Virmire is one of my favourite parts of the game. Especially the way he emphasizes “…there were soldiers.”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXLVFnl3WcE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1]

It’s just a great speech, I think. But then, it’s a great damn game also.

Since you didn’t ask, here’s what my Commander Shepherd looks like:

Honestly, officer...they shot first.

There’s really two reasons why I play as a female Shepherd. One, I can’t actually stand Mark Meer’s voice acting anymore (I could barely tolerate it before); Jennifer Hale is much better. Two, I logged nearly 50 hours of playing time in Mass Effect, and after the first hour of playing my initial character (a male Vanguard), I realized that I’d rather not spend the next forty-nine staring at the ass end of beefcake.

Also, this Shepherd is a Soldier, not any of the biotic or tech-focused characters. There’s two reasons for that, as well. One, I’ve never really used the magic system in any game, beyond what was absolutely necessary for the plot to move forward. And two, there are party members to fill those roles, and I can set them to use their powers automatically. Just give me my machine gun, and I will be happy. I mean…get the job done.

1 Response

  1. Tyko Brian says:

    I’m glad that someone agrees that Mark Meer’s voice SUCKZZZZ!!!