Rebuilding Exult?

There’s been a fair bit of talk and buzz about Exult lately, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Exult development has really picked up lately.  Some of the different platforms have really gotten some well-needed attention lately which has also been something of a shot in the arm to both the engine development and the community as a whole.

Let me segue from the article of discussion for just a moment.  As WTF Dragon has posted previously, he has a few more editors (one of which being myself) whom are going to be posting articles here to keep the content coming, and a few more ears to the ground for movement, as it were.  For those of you not familiar with my name, I’m Peter M Dodge, also known by Wizardry Dragon.  I am the Lead Designer of the Feudal Lands and have worked with Exult for years and years now.  I hope to post news on both Exult and TFL, and some general Ultima news as well.  I have been playing with the idea of a feature serial of some sort but I’ll toss that at WTF Dragon first and see if it sticks before making any promises here.

With that out the way let’s regress to the topic on hand: Exult.

One of the platforms that has gotten this attention is the MacOS distribution, which has finally gotten properly packaged.  This meant a lot of compilation work and a lot of bug fixes as well as accomodations for the nuances of the Mac platform, a lot of which has finally gotten stamped out and done finally.  It had mostly been put off – but now it has been taken care of!

The windows distribution in the meantime got a lot of updating.  Many bugs related to OpenGL were fixed, and that niggling Windows Vista/7 file paths bug got fixed so that you don’t need to be an administrator to play!  A much needed change to be certain.

So, dear reader, you are most certainly wondering what this means in the perspective of Exult’s future development.  On that topic I can speculate with an informed opinion, though until it does indeed occur it is just that, speculation.  Ah, in any event – there is one major encompassing idea that seems to have taken to the Exult team, or Marzo at least: taking the knowledge that has been gained through the many, many years Exult has been undergoing development, and take the insights they have gained in its development to better rebuild the engine.  The graphics engine has been of particular interest, as Marzo has noted that many of his OpenGL fixes have opened his eyes to the fact that really the whole thing just needs rewritten to actually fix some of the issues, and talk has been floated of using the Pentagram graphics engine.

We shall see, I suppose, but good things lie in wait for Exult, methinks!

7 Responses

  1. wtf_dragon says:

    I have no problem with the idea of a feature serial, so long as it can in some way be related to project development. But even that rule is somewhat flexible, given that I do occasionally do postings that are minimally related — or entirely unrelated — to Ultima.

    See my most recent post, for example.

  2. SiENcE says:

    We did this with Iris (Iris2) also after 4 years of development. Now we have a really great Iris2 client after 3years of development.
    But we had a working client just after 6month.

    So rewriting an existing engine is a good idea.

  3. Xyzzy says:

    Argh, got all excited at the mention of neglected platforms, only to see that the last Linux binary of any kind is still version 1.2. :-/

  4. Dungy says:

    Not that I’m not excited or anything, but I’d also love to see a finished release of Pentagram or a playable build of nuvie. And poor ole’ xu4, it’s just so close to being bug-free and finished…

  5. Xyzzy, the development snapshot of 1.4 is stable at this point. I imagine – though I cannot say for sure as I am not officially a member of the team, just an ‘insider’ – that it will probably be made the stable branch soon.

    Linux as a distribution seems to have been dropped by the team in favour of MacOS and Windows lately. I’ll probably build an RPM of it if I get the time (and get my linux box to work again or put linux on this machine) and see if I cant get them to put it up there.

  6. Ah, and WTF Dragon, I was thinking of something along the lines of design insights I’ve had making TFL kind of thing. Kinda-sorta Ultima related in that respect but not necessarily directly.