U5 for TI Calculators update, SI BG Merge, Siege Tools update, Nazghul 0.6.0, and much, much more

Okay, so at least a few people contacted me while I was away with news of Ultima-related news, either via the contact form, direct email, or the comments for this post. Once again, it’s good — no, great — to see the community pitching in to help the site move along. Thanks go out to everyone who submitted information.

So…what’s news?

Ultima 5 for TI Calculators

Ranman dropped us a line about the status of his port of this classic Ultima title to the TI calculator. He pegs the development status as being 90.5% complete, and offers a new screenshot of Orcs in the game.

SI BG Merge

This was an interesting little tidbit that I tripped over in the Exult forums. It’s a patch that imports the shapes from The Black Gate into Serpent Isle, fabricated by Malignant Manor.

I’ve created an entry here at Aiera for the project, and uploaded the latest version of the patch (6.7) for download. It looks like this is a pretty active project at the moment, so I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it.

Project Britannia

Frilly Wumpus posted news at the Project Britannia website concerning an update to Siege Tools. This is definitely a developer-oriented update, and he notes that the improvements include things such as:

  • DS1, DS2, LOA, and BW code completion
  • Built-in API explorer and the ability to add additional documentation to core GPG classes
  • Basic Syntax checking
  • Code completion for Gas templates

The latest version of Siege Tools (1.0.29) is available for download either from the PB website, or through the project entry here at Aiera.

A forum for posting information and comments about Siege Tools has also been set up, which developers using this engine will hopefully find useful.


The project website for this Ultima-like game has been changed a bit, and now features an updated note from project lead Andrea concerning what the game is and what its inspirations are. No new news is present, however.


Gordon has released version 0.6.0 (only the source at present, though) of his Ultima-like engine Nazghul, and the associated game he is making with it, Haxima. You can download the updated version from the project’s SourceForge page, or from the project entry here at Aiera.

Hopefully there will be Windows and Mac OS X binaries available soon.

Notable improvements in this version of Nazghul include:

  • Detailed speed handling
  • Better support for diagonal movement
  • Partial opacity support has been added to the terrains
  • Improvements to the map editor
  • New spells
  • Improved dungeon randomization code
  • …and a whole lot more

Serpent Isle for NWN2

Continuing with his tendency to move with alarming speed, Jaesun has made several updates to his remake of Serpent Isle. Notably, he has finished the Arrival Area, dialogue for Moonshade, the Northern Isle quest, the Mad Mage Isle, and Monk Isle. And all this in the last couple of weeks.

There are a few nice screenshots to see at the project site, so be sure to give them a look!

* * *

Also, there seems to be a bit of an interesting debate going on in the Exult forums over the practical and technical implications of making an “online” version of Ultima 7. We’ll see if that turns into any sort of project in the future. It wouldn’t be the only one to come along, of course.

Personally, I count myself as being in the camp of people who would like to see Ultima 7 go online, as has been done with Ultima 6, although I admit that I lack the necessary technical skill to put any sort of meaningful work into the code necessary to realize that dream.

6 Responses

  1. Ranman says:

    Ultima V for TI calcs progresses to 92%. Check out the screenshots:


    – Spells, potions, and scrolls are all implemented
    – Enemy generator working (based on terrain, world, and level)

    Now it’s time to work on firing a cannon from a frigate and a save game feature amongst a few other things.

  2. Toltec Dragon says:

    Wow, Ultima 7 Online would be great – I remember stumbling across a project that has been put to rest a few years ago. But the imagination of travelling the lands of Britannia as in Ultima 7 with other dragons and fans is thriling! I used to play Dark Ages of Camelot a couple of years and put it to an end a few months ago (we bought a house and had other things to do than hunting in the woods of hibernia). We now returned to the MMORPG “Die 4. Offenbarung” wich is “The 4th Coming” – check it out, the isometric view of the game and the tileset is much like the one in Ultima 7 (though the story differs).

    Greetings from Germany

  3. I will have to check that one out. Thanks, Toltec.

    Yeah, U7O would be a fascinating game to play, and I do hope that something comes of all this discussion. There used to be something called the Blackrock Engine in development that was supposed to take U7 into the online realm, and someone has recently stepped up to continue development in that vein.

    But as yet, it’s far too early for anything to be “out there”. Someday, maybe.

  4. Sslaxx says:

    Semi-off-topic, but…

    Suspect it’s Will actually behind this, but… EA *not* being evil? SimCity for the OLPC project.


  5. Will is probably involved — this seems the sort of initiative he’d (quietly) gravitate toward. Good for the company as well. While I’m sure that someone somewhere has approached this with the usual calculation one would expect of such a PR move, it’s nice to see any support for OLPC that comes along.

    Of course, this won’t reverse EA’s tendency to steer good companies into the ground, but…eh, take the good when it comes.