U3.5 Pax Britannia Character Generator Beta Released
Andrew Owen has released a beta version of the character generator for U3.5: Pax Britannia on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group.
Andrew Owen has released a beta version of the character generator for U3.5: Pax Britannia on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group.
The Digital Antiquarian sets out to dispel some of the myths and legends surrounding Ultima: Escape from Mount Drash.
I’ve moved the Ultima Online GM (and Counselor Programme) Guide from Old Aiera to The Origin Gallery.
The Digital Antiquarian has continued his chronicle of the history of Ultima with a look at the founding of Origin Systems.
Andrew Owen has been hard at work on U3.5: Pax Britannia, and has released many different pieces of news about it this week. He also released a test program in advance of the character generation component of the game as a standalone download.
Mythic Entertainment have announced that the Mage class in Ultima Forever will no longer be male-only; female Mages will be playable at launch this summer!
Andrew Owen has released another image of Lord British’s castle, as it appears in U3.5: Pax Britannia.
Andrew Owen has decided to produce a limited run of cloth maps for Ultima 3.5: Pax Britannia, his Ultima spin-off for the ZX Spectrum.
Goldenflame Dragon has managed to get spells working in his browser-based, Ultima-inspired RPG, The Dark Unknown.
GOG have discounted a bunch of EA titles for a weekend sale, including the Ultima games.