News I've neglected to post
First, Sergorn Dragon’s Return to the Serpent Isle has posted its June update, which makes mention of the magic system that the project team is in the process of developing. Work is also proceeding...
First, Sergorn Dragon’s Return to the Serpent Isle has posted its June update, which makes mention of the magic system that the project team is in the process of developing. Work is also proceeding...
The site has been getting a ton of traffic from RPGWatch over the weekend, so let me just shout out a big “HELLO AND WELCOME!” to everyone who’s coming from there that has never...
Reader enirya alerts us to the following: Spoony from is doing a series of reviews of the Ultima games, starting at Akalabeth and apparently he intends to go all the way up to...
I ask, because I just got this message, from reader Rodrigo, by email: I am a fan of Ultima games and I have followed this site for a long time. Maybe you know about...
That’s right…it’s been nearly a decade in the making, and it comes out today! On this, the 20th anniversary year of the release of Origin Systems Ultima 6, it is with much pleasure that...
When Aiera began, if you Googled the site’s name (just the ‘Aiera’ part), the first link was this group: the Asociación de Importadores y Exportadores de la República Argentina. That was then. This is...
See? This is why I love the Ultima community! Over in the forum, there’s a thread detailing how to connect to the newly active server for Ultima 6 Online. This was set in motion...
So I missed restoring a download yesterday; two will be up and running by the end of the day today as a result. In the interim, let’s revisit a point of interest. Previously, in...
If you asked “what’s Dingux?”, you’re not alone: I wondered as much as well. Apparently it’s a custom Linux kernel for the Dingoo media player. Now you know. Anyhow, this being an Ultima website,...
Okay, since I’m sick and tired of the site languishing like this, it’s time to get back into gear and restore the damn downloads. My goal is one restored download a day; if I...