Welcome, RPGWatch readers!

The site has been getting a ton of traffic from RPGWatch over the weekend, so let me just shout out a big “HELLO AND WELCOME!” to everyone who’s coming from there that has never been to the site before. If the Ultima series occupies a special place in your heart, be sure to check back here from time to time…the community is still very much alive, and there are always bits of news to report.

If you’re looking for the Ultima 6 Project, you can find it here.

If you’re looking for Ultima 6 Online, you can find it here.

And may I just add that since the release of the Ultima 6 project, Aiera has served up nearly 1.5 binary terabytes of downloads. That’s within the span of a few days. Fortunately, my host has not yet served me with notice that I’m over my allotted monthly bandwidth…and to be fair, the billing/tracking cycle will reset in another three days.

[donate]But if you feel like dropping a few dollars into the tip jar to help pay for the hosting[/donate], you’ll certainly have my gratitude.