Tagged: Ultima

EUO updates…many, many updates!

EUO updates…many, many updates!

It’s been a while since I checked in on EUO, Max Breedon’s “little project that could,” but in the interim it would appear that Max has made several enhancements to his Ultima-inspired project. For...

Spoony's review of Ultima 6: not entirely fair?

Spoony's review of Ultima 6: not entirely fair?

Sadly, he isn’t all that kind to that which I count as my favourite Ultima title: I don’t share many of Spoony’s criticisms, although that is partly due to the fact that, per the...

Added: Back to Roots

Added: Back to Roots

Commenter Fearyourself, who has stepped to the fore to help Kevin Fishburne with his coding issue, has an Ultima-inspired engine creation project of his own, which I have just now gladly added a project...

Style thyself as a Knight of Monitor

Style thyself as a Knight of Monitor

I tweeted a link to YouTube user Resulka‘s “secret lost” thirty-ninth episode of her playthrough of Serpent Isle. (Resulka self-describes as “[y]et another LP-er with a propensity for vintage gaming,” and she certainly makes...

Restored: A Legend is Reborn/ERA

Restored: A Legend is Reborn/ERA

This project began as an ambitious remake of Ultima 1. However, due to the fact that Peroxide couldn’t get formal permission from Electronic Arts to make an actual Ultima game (not that this should...

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

I’ve taken the liberty of installing the Sharedaddy plugin, which is the WordPress.org version of the standard social bookmarking plugin used on all WordPress.com blogs. So now, at the end of every post and...

Would an Ultima IRC channel be of use to you?

Would an Ultima IRC channel be of use to you?

It has been suggested that an IRC channel, similar to the Wing Commander CIC’s #Wingnut chat, be set up at Aiera. It’s not really a bad idea…with the addition of the Codex to the...

Origin: Best PC game developer of all time?

Origin: Best PC game developer of all time?

Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett thinks so. [Update: link fixed! — Ed.] And I, for one, cannot disagree. Don’t get me wrong: there are a few other phenomenal game developers out there. I’m less sold on...