Added: Joyous Rebel
The oddly-titled Joyous Rebel is an Ultima-inspired RPG that was originally released as shareware in 1996. In 1998, it received several bug fixes and was re-released as freeware, possibly in anticipation of its sequel...
The oddly-titled Joyous Rebel is an Ultima-inspired RPG that was originally released as shareware in 1996. In 1998, it received several bug fixes and was re-released as freeware, possibly in anticipation of its sequel...
By which, of course, I mean a list of the top ten games of the previous decade. Were it a list about the period between…say…1990 and 2000, you’d basically have every main-series Ultima title...
Kevin Fishburne writes in to let us know that work continues to progress on his Ultima-inspired game, Sanctimonia. In particular, he reports that the terrain megatextures that his engine uses, and the landscape layer...
Just how lucrative is the mobile app market? This lucrative: Electronic Arts is boasting of amazing third quarter sales of its own iOS apps. Joystiq reports that COO John Schappert recently discussed just how...
Ultima fan and Aiera Browncoat Jayson reader has created over thirty iPhone/iPod Touch wallpaper images based on Origin Systems and their games. Most of the images are drawn from various Ultima titles, but there...
Since I know you all care about this game so very much, I know you will all rush out right now and pick up the Google Chrome plugin/app that has just been released for...
Boxer, for those who don’t know the name, is a Mac port of DOSBox that claims to vastly simplify the process of playing DOS games using that software. Having used it, I’d say that...
I didn’t just find Martian Dreams on YouTube yesterday. There was also this: And this is just the first video; YouTube user DJOldGames has already completed the fourth quest from Lord British, and has...
I just stumbled over this video via a link on Twitter: I don’t know if the guy plans to do any more such videos (I hope so), and to be perfectly frank I find...
Offering belated New Year’s greetings, the Ultima Return project lead shares his thoughts on the direction he would like to take his blog — originally devoted to a playthrough of all the Ultima games...