Tagged: Ultima

Why Do YOU Love Ultima?

Why Do YOU Love Ultima?

Ultima Aiera is looking for article submissions from Ultima fans, explaining in detail why they love Ultima and what, in their opinion, makes for a proper Ultima game.

More Ultima 4 Manga

More Ultima 4 Manga

Blu3vib3 and translator RCapowski have added many more pages to their effort to scan-late the manga retelling of Ultima 4.

New Gallery: Ultima Reborn

New Gallery: Ultima Reborn

Surviving art, screenshots, and sprites from a short-lived Ultima title that was being developed for the Nintendo DS by EA Montreal.

Beautiful Britannia: Flowers! Grass!

Beautiful Britannia: Flowers! Grass!

Firstknight has posted a new pair of awesome screenshots at the Forgotten World/Beautiful Britannia website, demonstrating the new flower textures that have been worked up for the project.

The Titans of Ether Are Moving Their Website

The Titans of Ether Are Moving Their Website

After battling numerous issues with their current hosting service and provider, the Titans of Ether have opted to move their site to either a new hosting service or a new hosting provider.