Tagged: Ultima Underworld 2

Some neat bits of Ultima history

Some neat bits of Ultima history

This is cool. Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum alerted me to the existence of GMZ, a gaming blog that aggregates news about games (“mostly indie retro rock ‘n roll type”) with “interesting design...

New Gallery: Ultima Underworld 2 Cluebook Art

New Gallery: Ultima Underworld 2 Cluebook Art

Courtesy of Ryan “Zerk” Armstrong, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present for download 28 images from the Ultima Underworld 2 cluebook, Gems of Enlightenment. As Zerk notes: “Since only a fraction of Uw2 players,...

Restored: Underworld 2 Revival

Restored: Underworld 2 Revival

There really isn’t much that can be said about this particular orphan, apart from the fact that it was a Windows-based remake of Ultima Underworld 2 (“remake” in the Exult sense of the word,...

All Ultima Underworld 2 Downloads Restored

All Ultima Underworld 2 Downloads Restored

With the restoration of the Official Underworld 2 Patch released by Origin, all downloads pertaining to Ultima Underworld 2 are now officially functional again. Anyhow, I’ll be offline all weekend, and though I will...

Labyrinth of Worlds downloads restored

Labyrinth of Worlds downloads restored

Labyrinth of Worlds was intended to be a “from the ground up” remake of Ultima Underworld 2, complete with 3D character models. It never made it to completion (a fate shared by many projects...

UW2 Character Editor download restored

UW2 Character Editor download restored

I’ve restored the download link for the Ultima Underworld 2 Character Editor. It’s a simple little utility, command line-based if memory serves, for modifying character statistics in…well…Ultima Underworld 2. Also, I’ve just been informed...

To-do list for the site

To-do list for the site

Bumped again for my own purposes: there’s a few things left undone here. [image:98:r:s=0:l=x] This is mostly for my benefit, O Reader, as my memory is not what it once was (not that it...

Presenting: the Abysmal Engine!

Presenting: the Abysmal Engine!

Dominus (who should be known to anyone who frequents the Exult) brought to my attention, by email, an exciting new project that has emerged which is attempting to create a modern engine for the...