New Gallery: Ultima Underworld 2 Cluebook Art

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Courtesy of Ryan “Zerk” Armstrong, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present for download 28 images from the Ultima Underworld 2 cluebook, Gems of Enlightenment. As Zerk notes: “Since only a fraction of Uw2 players, and a much small fraction of gamers in general have seen these images, it would be nice to show the rest of the world. These images are all by Glen Johnson.”

Check thou them out!

3 Responses

  1. Zerker says:

    As per your question in the gallery page, the images were scanned directly from the cluebook as lineart.

  2. Handshakes says:

    I’m pretty sure that we had this. I recall it not being particularly helpful, but then again I was too young to read.

  3. wtf_dragon says:

    Okay, thanks! Good to know. 🙂