The Savage Empire Remake: Help Still Needed
Scythifuge Dragon could still use a fair bit of help in his ongoing, often-stalled effort to re-create Savage Empire with Exult.
Scythifuge Dragon could still use a fair bit of help in his ongoing, often-stalled effort to re-create Savage Empire with Exult.
Publish 106 for Ultima Online — also called “Forsaken Foes” — has been released to the Test Center shard.
Everyone’s favourite community organization from Ultima 7 has made its appearance in Ultima Online’s Sosaria.
The Ultima 6 Remake team have implemented a significant amount of the game’s plot.
Sir John has released an update to his German translation patch for Ultima 7: The Black Gate, and has also begun work on a “Nitpicker’s Patch” for the game.
Sir John has made a few more tweaks to his alternative font for Ultima 7.
kxmode’s Google Maps-like Ultima 7 map now features music!
Sir John has released a finalized version of his German translation patch for Ultima 7: The Black Gate.
It’s been a while, but we’ve finally been treated to another Travel Britannia brochure!
The Ayuda Ophidian Brewing Company, which produces a Serpent Isle-inspired ale, is raising funds for an equipment upgrade.
DOUG the Eagle Dragon has reprised his anti-walkthrough for Serpent Isle as a series of YouTube videos.