Check Out This Two-Hour Retrospective of “Savage Empire”
A lengthy and well-researched retrospective of “Savage Empire”, a spinoff game developed by Origin Systems with the “Ultima 6” engine.
A lengthy and well-researched retrospective of “Savage Empire”, a spinoff game developed by Origin Systems with the “Ultima 6” engine.
A rebroadcast of the Ultima Codex’s interview with former Origin Systems developer (and “Ultima 8” project director) Mike McShaffry.
On June 1, 1990, Origin Systems introduced the world to “The False Prophet”.
Pix has added a patch for “Savage Empire” to his venerable patching utility.
Pass the time away with some classic games.
A plethora of updates from The Savage Empire Remake, an Exult-based attempt to remake Savage Empire.
Scythifuge Dragon could still use a fair bit of help in his ongoing, often-stalled effort to re-create Savage Empire with Exult.
In which a geek-out session about the Ultima games becomes a springboard for discussion about a new book on the history and people of Origin Systems.
Scythifuge has posted what could almost be taken as a cancellation notice for his project.
Linguistic Dragon has completed — at long last! — his journey through Savage Empire, and has embarked upon playing Martian Dreams.
The Dightal Antiquarian turns his attention back to Origin Systems, and the first time they ever re-used a game engine.