Check Out This Two-Hour Retrospective of “Savage Empire”

If you’ve somehow never heard of Savage Empire, the Codex of Ultima Wisdom offers this brief summary of what it is:

Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire is the seventh game in the series (not the main series itself, but the whole Ultima saga) and the first of the two parts of the Worlds of Ultima saga. It was published and released in 1990 by Origin for the IBM PC.

If you want to check the game out for yourself, you can actually get it for free at However, if you would rather take the time to sit down and watch through a well-researched, documentary-length retrospective of the game, then YouTube historian MrEdders123 has you covered with his latest video.

A retrospective review of Origin Systems’ 1990 “roleplaying adventure” spinoff, which transported the protagonist of the Ultima games to a pulpy “Lost World” setting. Covers how Savage Empire came to be, its critical reception, gameplay and production values, the story, and finally how the game fits into the “Jungle Romance” genre. Be aware from 1:36:15 onwards there is discussion of adult themes such as racism and miscegenation.

You can find a full list of timestamps on the video’s page at YouTube; topics discussed include such things as some behind the scenes development details, the gameplay and how to get started in the game, the art/visuals and sound effects, and the story the game tells.

(Hat tip: Infinitron Dragon)