Tagged: sanctimonia

Sanctimonia Test Video

Sanctimonia Test Video

Kevin Fishburne sent along this video of his work-in-progress online game (and game engine) Sanctimonia, which demonstrates how the game will render water and terrain, and how the camera follows the player around. He...

New Gallery: OSI Rejection Letter

New Gallery: OSI Rejection Letter

Courtesy of Kevin Fishburne (the developer behind Sanctimonia), Ultima Aiera is pleased to present this letter — on Origin Systems letterhead — signed by Richard “Lord British” Garriott himself. It is a rejection letter,...

Kevin Fishburne offers a note of thanks

Kevin Fishburne offers a note of thanks

The Sanctimonia developer offers high praise for commenter FEARYOURSELF (a.k.a. JC), who stepped up when Kevin had need of a coder to do some backporting work for him. An Ultima Aiera contributor has heeded...

Sanctimonia Updates: Client progress, coder needed

Sanctimonia Updates: Client progress, coder needed

Kevin Fishburne dropped me an email to let us know that work on his Ultima-inspired project Sanctimonia is continuing at a fairly brisk pace. He has made huge strides in developing the game’s client...

Restored: Littoral

Restored: Littoral

Technically, the project entry is for Kevin Fishburne’s short-lived Ultima 5 – TES3 Mod, which currently resides in the Aiera Orphanage. However, the released download associated therewith is actually Littoral, his powerful terrain heightmap...

Sanctimonia progress update

Sanctimonia progress update

Kevin Fishburne writes to inform us of the latest progress made on Sanctimonia, his Ultima-inspired “faux 3D” online RPG: I’ve been working on it like I was going to hell if I didn’t, so...