Tagged: Neverwinter Nights

Ultima 1 downloads work again

Ultima 1 downloads work again

Pace last week’s progress, the downloads for the Ultima 1 section of the site are now all functional again, and have even been updated in one case: the Ultima Restoration project released new files...

Lost Sosaria: interior screenshots

Lost Sosaria: interior screenshots

I’ve switched the focus of my development efforts a little bit, and am (for the time being) working on implementing interior areas and furniture in Black Dragon City, the capital city of Sosaria in...

Ultima Restoration update

Ultima Restoration update

Ultima Restoration developer Saduj contacted me to let me know that another utility has been added to his team’s collection of Neverwinter Nights modifications — an Ultima-style conversation system to replace the default system...

The Ultima Restoration Project

The Ultima Restoration Project

I just got this in my inbox this morning. It’s a notice from NWN developer and Ultima fan Saduj that a new Ultima website — a combination of links to other Ultima projects and...

Lost Sosaria downloads

Lost Sosaria downloads

I’ve updated some of Lost Sosaria’s project files, and the new versions are now available for download. In particular, there is a new file for download that contains several key override packages necessary to...