Tagged: Neverwinter Nights

Eriadain is back in action!

Eriadain is back in action!

One of the first Ultima 9 remakes, which stopped development before achieving a demo release, has been rebooted by its original developer using the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine. And yes, it’s still based on the Bob White Plot.

Restored: Ultima 8 Remake (Pagan)

Restored: Ultima 8 Remake (Pagan)

This project, which used the Neverwinter Nights engine as its base, was yet another project that was abandoned prior to completion. Being that it was made with NWN, however, anyone with an measure of...

Restored: Eriadain

Restored: Eriadain

Moa Dragon’s incomplete attempt to re-tell the story of Ultima 9 based on the Bob White plot is once again available for download. This being a Neverwinter Nights module, it is open for both...

Updated: Ultima IV Reborn

Updated: Ultima IV Reborn

Glanestel Dragon’s just informed me that he’s made yet another update to Devi’s Neverwinter Nights-based remake of Ultima 4. It is, of course, available for download here and at the IGN Neverwinter Vault.

Ultima IV Reborn (!!) updated

Ultima IV Reborn (!!) updated

Every so often, something comes along to surprise me. Case in point: out of nowhere, some six years after its initial release, Glastenel Dragon has released an update for Ultima IV Reborn, one of...

Video card woes

Video card woes

So I have a conundrum. Suspecting that the source of my Windows computer’s instability might be the existing video card (a Radeon 9600 XT), I went and picked up a Sapphire Radeon HD 3850...