Ultima Online: Get Ready for “Treasures of Wildfire”
The latest “Ultima Online” newsletter adds elements from “Forge of Virtue” to the game’s lore, and teases an upcoming in-game event.
The latest “Ultima Online” newsletter adds elements from “Forge of Virtue” to the game’s lore, and teases an upcoming in-game event.
The developers of “Ultimax” have been asked, by EA, to change the name of their game.
ArtCraft Entertainment’s crowdfunded, siege-based MMORPG is exiting its final beta next month!
Houston Dragon has relaunched an old “Ultima Online” freeshard, once – and perhaps soon again – a regular online haunt of the Ultima Dragons.
Broadsword Online Games are fixing a significant, pet-related exploit in UO with the upcoming Publish 110.
Quest chains and narrative storylines are commonplace in MMORPGs now, but do the inclusion of these elements break the group play experience? And we had such hope for Shroud of the Avatar and Underworld Ascendant back in 2018, didn’t we?
Tile-based retro MMORPG “The Minstrel’s Fable” has been renamed to “Ultimax”, and should be coming to Kickstarter in the near future.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
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Broadsword Online Games have announced a new shard for “Ultima Online”, and are implementing some new features in the game.