Tagged: Lord British

Lord British WILL Return!

Lord British WILL Return!

Richard Garriott announces his intent to create a new Lord British game with his social gaming company, Portalarium. Working title: Lord British’s New Britannia.

And speaking of Richard Garriott…

And speaking of Richard Garriott…

Now this is just cool. David Ribeiro sent me an email a few days ago with a link to the listing of what are called The Richard Garriott Papers at the University of Texas...

Richard Garriott is engaged

Richard Garriott is engaged

I just noticed, via Facebook, that Lord British has announced his engagement to his girlfriend of…well, I don’t actually know how long they’ve been going out. But that’s not really important. Ultima creator Richard...

Found Image: Papa British on Skylab

Found Image: Papa British on Skylab

That would be NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, father of Ultima creator (and private astronaut himself) Richard Garriott (known to us all as, of course, Lord British). Here he is posing by a console aboard...

New Richard Garriott documentary

New Richard Garriott documentary

Apparently, if the burst of related Tweets is anything to go by, Lord British is the subject of a new documentary called “Man On a Mission.” It’s not available to the public yet, according...

Richard Garriott leaves NCSoft

Richard Garriott leaves NCSoft

You totally didn’t read it here first, but there it is: Ultima series creator Richard Garriott has parted ways with Tabula Rasa (also his creation) publisher NCSoft in order to pursue new interests. Apparently,...