Tagged: Irrational Games

Random Wednesdays

In which there is a fair bit of news related to Might & Magic X and the Deus Ex franchise. Also, does anyone want to buy the Amalur IP? They’ll throw in Rise of Nations…

Random Wednesdays

In which, surprisingly, I think Supergiant Games’ upcoming title, Transistor, gets the most attention.

Random Wednesdays

I’m still feeling sick, so once more the list format will make an appearance.

Random Wednesdays

In which BioShock Infinite is once again the main focus of attention. Because DLC, or something.

Random Saturdays

Because there doesn’t appear to be any news from Larian Studios this week, and because I totally missed posting anything on Wednesday.

Random Wednesdays

Neverwinter gets a lot of attention this week. And we even hear a peep from Warhorse Studios, who have been fairly quiet in recent months.

Random Wednesdays

Time for a uniform logo for these things; it’s getting way too difficult to keep up with the week-to-week changes.