Anyone Want a Print of Three NASA Astronauts and Richard Garriott?
Richard Garriott attented the recent “Blast Off: The Future of Spaceflight” event put on by the Explorers Club.
Richard Garriott attented the recent “Blast Off: The Future of Spaceflight” event put on by the Explorers Club.
Richard Garriott will be hosting a Noche de los Muertos event at the Explorer’s Club’s New York City headquarters on November 2nd.
If you’re curious about Jim Clash’s recent Explorer’s Club interview with Richard and Owen Garriott about their travels in space, he has published the transcript at AskMen.
At the recent Explorers Club dinner featuring Richard and Owen Garriott, the discussion turned (as one might expect) to the issue of how to go to the bathroom in space. (Image credit: alertfive @ Flickr)
Richard Garriott and his father Owen, the only father/son American astronaut duo, will be giving a public interview about their experiences in space at a special Explorers Club event next week.