Byte-Sized Virtue S10E03 – Lessons From a French Peasant Girl
Or: how to win hearts and influence people. Really.
Or: how to win hearts and influence people. Really.
Learn what you need to do, and learn to do it well.
As the world waits out a viral pandemic, two of the Eight Virtues seem especially relevant to put into practice.
Should virtues ever actually contradict, or should growth in one virtue necessarily mean growth in others?
‘Tis the season…for another series (hopefully longer-lived) of musings on the Eight Virtues.
Spirituality, paradoxically, is both a virtue which requires great maturity to practice deeply, but is also profoundly easy to practice daily.
This season of Byte-Sized Virtue episodes won’t focus on one particular virtue in detail, but on practical examples of all of the Eight Virtues of Ultima.
Before we talk about the intrinsic unity that should tie all virtues together, we should probably discuss what it means to have virtues.
When you go against one of the Eight Virtues, how do you make yourself right with that Virtue again?
Though it was initially surprising to see Kotaku — which site is not exactly known for being able to see that far back in time, as far as gaming history is concerned — put a...