Byte-Sized Virtue S09E02 – Questions of Virtue

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As we continue with the attempt to explore what redemption and forgiveness might look like in the context of the Eight Virtues, we should probably look to Ultima lore for examples of characters who have done just that: gone against one (or more) of the Virtues and come back from that.

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4 Responses

  1. Матвей says:

    Hello. I’ve been looking at your site a lot lately, especially the interview section. I’m just doing an Ultima Series Story for my language segment. I’ve come to an article about Pagan. And very often everyone talks about very tight deadlines. But it is difficult for me to judge this without knowing at what point the development began. I know that the game had to be released on schedule by March 1994 and because of this, the game was severely cut. Can I ask you if there is no more accurate information about how long the game was developed as a result? I will be heartily grateful.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      I’ve been trying to find any information I have on when development on Pagan actually began, and I’m not finding much. I’m sure that information exists, somewhere, but off the top of my head I can’t think of where it might be.

      One thing to remember when you hear about Origin Systems struggling under deadlines is that these tended not to be the case initially (and, in fact, Pagan moved its release date back at least once that I can recall). EA has acquired — somewhat unjustly — the reputation of a micromanaging overlord who is quick to crack the whip at its studios, resulting in rushed and shoddy products. What we’ve been learning, especially over the last decade or so, is that studios like Origin were initially given a lot of leeway and freedom for each project they took on. EA would typically only step in with deadlines after a lot of time had been wasted and a lot of budget spent without much to show for it.

  2. Therodir says:

    Hi, I can’t seem to find a place to ask this, so i’m going to just place this here. I was searching on the site for information related to the SOTA KS rewards (collector’s box) and noticed that you got yours sometime in August. I have yet to receive mine. Do you have any information on this? I’m assuming i’m probably SoL and that they are not honoring the rest of the rewards at this point.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Well, they did a big push to get outstanding awards sent out, and I’m not sure if that petered out midstream or not (I thought I had heard that it had kind of stalled, but I can’t recall where that came up and so can’t offer a link).

      Your best bet — and I realize what a long shot this probably is — is to email and press for an update. You may also be able to hit up Chris Spears directly during the next livestream he does; that used to be a good way to get your rewards moved to the front of the queue.