Tagged: Britannia

Even Lord British can't build a snowman in peace

Even Lord British can't build a snowman in peace

All is not well in snow-covered Britannia: If you have a big family gathering coming up over the Christmas weekend, or in the run-up to New Year’s,I highly recommend putting together a series of...

Added: Ultima 6 Minecraft Conversion

Added: Ultima 6 Minecraft Conversion

I joked, some time ago, about building a Minecraft-based model of Britannia. Now, I don’t know if the Rules of the Internet state, at any point, that any articulated idea will, after a set...

Another Forgotten World screenshot

Another Forgotten World screenshot

So…as was recently noted in another news posting, Firstknight has returned to the Forgotten World team, though at present I will be tracking his project — Beautiful Britannia — separately from Forgotten World here...

Ray-traced Ultima goodness

Ray-traced Ultima goodness

While doing some reading for his Masters programme, Dino stumbled upon a lecture on ray-tracing (a 3D rendering technique) that featured some Ultima-themed artwork as an example: Notable elements in the diagram include the...

Sergorn Dragon vs. Ultima 9

Sergorn Dragon vs. Ultima 9

That’s right…my “boss” on the Ultima Return project has reached the last title in his playthrough of the Ultima games: Ultima 9: Ascension. And not without a few attempts to stoke more discussion about...

New Gallery: Serpent Isle Original Design

New Gallery: Serpent Isle Original Design

Y724T2KRVUWP … IGNORE THIS I’ve been meaning to restore/overhaul the gallery here at Ultima Aiera for a while, and I can think of no better way to kick that process off — and to...

Ultima 4…unplayable?

Ultima 4…unplayable?

The Brainy Gamer — who in real life teaches a class in which he periodically subjects his students to classic computer games like Fallout and Planetfall — has written an interesting article that really...

To-do list for the site

To-do list for the site

Bumped again for my own purposes: there’s a few things left undone here. [image:98:r:s=0:l=x] This is mostly for my benefit, O Reader, as my memory is not what it once was (not that it...